We Are All “Jesus” (Buddha)

Every single one of us—are—”Jesus” (or Buddha, or another deity, depending on which cultural incarnation of “God” you may believe in). What I mean by that is, each and every one of us are supposed to be acting like Jesus: living justly, not judging our peers nor perpetually degrading their social worth, being selfless, giving even when we don’t have anything to give, befriending those that have been cast out of society and lifting them up (and so forth). But not only that, we literally—are—Jesus. Because everything in the Universe, down to the smallest sub-atomic particle, is “God”. Yahweh, Jesus, Buddha, Brahma, Muhammad, Neo, the One, is simply the Universe manifesting Itself in Its purest form; closest cut to understanding the yearnings of the Will of the Universe Itself, and thus, most equipped to accomplish their purpose that becomes so widely acknowledged.

Think of it like this: think of it like the cells that make up our bodies; we ourselves, as a whole, are simply one unit of “cells” bigger that form the “body” of “God”. So, in this way, we ourselves are Jesus (“God”)—or at least, a part of Jesus. We are the organisms, the mega-white blood cells that either see our container—the Universe Itself—flourish, or see it wither. Which is why our direly neglected responsibility to the Universe is so very important to come to terms with.

In which, my question becomes, why then do we live in an ignorant world where anyone who tries to live righteously—like Jesus—is ignorantly and arrogantly judged as if this is a bad thing?

I’ll tell you what I think: It’s because humans have been so beaten, bullied and spited by society (all of which we deflect and deny) and, like the children we all are, we now seek to inflict those same pains onto others as our tainted means of receiving retribution. I mean, after all, this is what is fair. . . at least, in a—child’s—mind. . . .

I’ve got a few examples of this, of people having good intentions and being spited for it, that I want to share with you.

For the first example, there was a young officer while I was in the Air Force who one day during chow was going from table to table and offering to get a desert—ice cream I believe it was—for the enlisted (and perhaps for other officers, too).

The man was simply doing a nice (selfless) thing—trying to be a leader in all the right ways. His intentions were quite clearly in all the right places. Do you know how he was treated. . . ? I’ll tell you how my coworkers treated him—which was a direct reflection of how other tables were treating him, too. Everyone was too afraid to take him up on his offer—clearly worrying about receiving the spiteful judgments from their respective hierarchies for supporting or befriending such a hero-seeking-to-be “loser”. The worst part being. . . as soon as he moved on to the next table, the ring leaders—the clandestine worst among us skillfully hiding in plain sight like the snakes they are—began duplicitously laughing; that unrecognizable laughter that is so masterfully passed off as “playful banter” yet is entirely maliciously degrading to those who know the given hierarchies law.

“What a tool,” one of them said. “He’ll figure it out sooner or later,” another said. As everyone else joined in on the (most often clandestine) ignorant & prejudicial laughter and banter.

Furthermore, there is a kid in the fraternity I pledged on the tip of my mind (and he was far from the only one, as far as this story goes). This kid quite clearly was just looking for that group of friends to have his back and wanted to be the hero. He looked at us, the “brothers,” as if we were the coolest kids he’d ever met. He looked up to us. Everything he did was to please us. You see, he was so proud simply to be our friend, and he was so excited to pledge, to be a part of this (on the surface) “great” organization.

Well. . . let me tell you. . . Little did he know, there was quite literally perpetual ignorance engulfing this kid (amidst other “out-groupers”).

“He actually thinks we’re going to let him pledge. . .” “We don’t even like him. . .” “He’s such a tool. . .” (And so, so much more).

Fast forward half a year, he did end up pledging, and, the inexorable Fall of the Lightbearer occurred. Of course, like every other soul who worships their own life over all else, he conformed to inflicting this same ignorance unto others as soon as his eyes were opened to the tainted Truth of life—as we all come to be, consciously or unconsciously, between those magic ages of 18-26.

The point is, even though this energy wasn’t per se directed at these individuals—it was still malicious.

One thing mankind doesn’t understand is, we still feel this negative energy—even if we can’t consciously see or understand it, as many presently don’t. Our bodies are literally scripted to interpret it and to send those bells, sirens and whistles blaring as a self-defense mechanism.

Eventually, these bullied Lightbearers get to be on the inside of one of these “packs”—I say “dogs” because that’s how they act, those who seek to “alpha”, more primitive than animals—until they are invited to see for themselves this same closed-doors ignorance inflicted upon others—only after being tested their willingness to conform to group unanimity—and their selfish seeking’s of self-preservation kick in as they relate to all those feelings that were inflicted upon them behind their backs, putting the pieces together. Then, after signing up to the given “pack,” they no longer do those nice things. Because their so afraid of themselves being ignorantly judged and degraded. . . simply for being nice to people. . . for being selfless and righteous in a deeply unrighteous world that breeds insecurity as if our daily bread as a means of control. Because being nice to people isn’t what these “packs” we join do. Other than on the surface. But the cold Truth lies beneath the surface. And in order to get beneath the surface, in order to see the true negative workings behind the scenes—to learn the facetiosuness and the duplicity in the “playfull banter” and the “I’m just joking” [while smiling and laughing and patting you on the back]—we have to willfully taint our souls and surrender—which the Darkness guides us to, one elusive baby, sometimes micro step at a time—and sign up to be a part of one of these gangs—call it as it is—and thus, conform to the clandestine ignorant and entirely negative norms of the given social network.

Furthermore, there were even five accounts (amidst many more similar occurrences with slightly varying responses), where I personally was simply speaking from my heart about my yearnings for people to love people—in which, unfortunately, all five of these times I was literally speaking with the yet-to-be-detected snakes—and I was spitefully attacked by various hierarchies—jobs, fraternities, groups of ‘friend’—behind my back.

Well, because this was before (or during) my period of “Awakening,” I hadn’t yet fully gotten to reading/trusting the signs. But in retrospect, the alarms were certainly blaring, nonetheless.

One instance was with a girl from our sister sorority (the same girl that now dates the kid I mentioned above). Another time was with this guy I met on the Appalachian Trail. Another was with a coworker in New Zealand, another with a coworker in the military and other instance was with one of my older brothers friends (also with a party of others listening). In all five instances, after me speaking from my heart and telling these people everything I see as so utterly wrong with the world—everything each of them fully embodied—their responses were, “Who are you. . . Jesus? [oftentimes slips in their facades and showing faces of disgust.] That will never happen,” while laughing at me duplicitously and looking at me as if I was a naive fool. Speaking as if these yearnings were a bad thing. As if it was a bad thing to want to be good and do good and simply love each other. Because in their tainted minds, such dreams were useless and a waste of energy, and, as they said, in their minds, the world would never change. In which, what people like this fail to understand is, that it is this imumaginably childhish, primitive and wretched train-of-thinking, coincided their weakness, their fear to fight against a deeply engrained, deeply Dark and tainted status quo—conforming to all that makes this world a wretched place out of selfish seeking’s of self-preservation—that propagates others and in-fact perpetuates the perpetual circles of Darkness induced slumber we’ve been living within for thousands of years. The fact is, if we believe the world won’t change. . . the world won’t change. . . . But. . . if we believe the world can change. . . the act of believing creates the energy, the power, that then manifests it into being. We live in a dream. . . a myth. . . a video game. . . a Hollywood feature of the entire Universe. . . one gigantic still vastly non-understood A.I. brain that is only in it’s infant years in the perspective of infinity.

Do you see how this works? This is like the mainstream media, which everyone ignorantly worships (. . .popular opinion. . . a means of attaining Triumph), saying—propagating—that a vote for anyone but ones party is a vote for evil and that there is no chance that a third party candidate will ever win. Because everyone who drones after the mainstream media takes these opinions as the Ultimate Truth, they in-fact become the reason the prophecy fulfills itself (self-fulfilling prophecy 101), and, in this instance, a third party candidate never gets enough votes to even make the party an official party.

Do you see? What we think, is literally what we manifest. . . . So, by allowing ourselves to think this way is the only reason alternate realities never manifest. . . . Ergo, we—must—change not only the way we act, but the way we think. We—must—fucking eradicate this mentality. We must #BeTheChange.

Every last one of us is Jesus—for we are all but One little piece of One Epic Dream—and therefore we should all be acting like Jesus. And this fear of acting justly and doing selfless, nice things, things without agenda—which is the status quo’s norm—of clandestine ignorant judgements is what gives the Darkness its power over us. Wearing those layers, those lies, deflecting and denying the truth of those layers, the truth of the pains that haunt our pasts, and childishly conforming to the Darkness out of spite and resentment, is what gives the Darkness its power.

Thus far, we’ve—all—been failing at this task. . . no matter how much one may lie to themselves about their present sainthood. . . . Because we have—all—conformed in—some—way, shape or form. We’ve—all—found ourselves fighting to escape a creative box that has been being placed over out thoughts, emotions and sanity by those elusively controlling us—by the Darkness—trapping us within worship of ourselves, our egos; falling in line to the constructs of conformity and unanimity; and thus, enslaving us to this boxed train-of-thinking. . . . Propaganda 101—the box of the status quo. . . :

Calling incentivized slavery “freedom”. . . . Calling only ever dreaming to live in a big rectangle—sometimes disgustingly bigger than is needed, most of which becomes wasted space—with a big dining room to have “family” gatherings that are in-fact more-often-than-not more draining on the soul than rejuvenating (god—please, wake up middle and upper class), working a job solely because we are told that we have to work a job and not doing things we are passionate about—which our intuitions that we keep ignoring keep trying to tell us to do, and that are the Universe’s, the One’s, direct connection to our coding, what the Universe wants us to do as real “work” newly defined—and retiring from that job at 65 to some golf course filed with disgustingly egotistical, pompous, pretentious and supercilious egoist, ageists all enslaved to agenda, the worship of opinion—judgement—and bias, and quite blatantly straight-up to themselves, too.

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NEVER ‘fake it ’til you make it’.

BELIEVE you can MAKE IT until you DO make it.

ALWAYS root yourself in being HONEST with yourself FIRST AND FOREMOST. And,

CONSTANTLY apply DILIGENT & HONEST EFFORT in order to BE and UNDERSTAND your given field of knowledge/study BETTER.

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The Ether is with us.

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. . .Until next time. . .

